An Introduction to Go programming

A beginner’s guide.


What you’ll learn

  • The will become familiar with the fundations needed in Go programming language..

Course Content

  • Introduction –> 3 lectures • 13min.
  • The basics –> 4 lectures • 27min.
  • Control –> 3 lectures • 28min.
  • Complex Datastructures –> 2 lectures • 18min.
  • Advanced functionality –> 3 lectures • 17min.
  • Concurency –> 4 lectures • 29min.
  • The end –> 1 lecture • 1min.

An Introduction to Go programming



Go is an open source programming language that makes it easy to build simple, reliable, and efficient software. It was born as a Google project back in 2007. The language tries to solve many nowadays problems with it’s super-fast compiled nature and built in support for Multi-Threading and thread safe data structures. I personally started using it as a hobby but nowadays I find myself using it more and more as I love the performance it gives to simple tasks. To be honest the syntax takes some time to get used to, but as with always practice makes perfect. The course was born out of the idea to share my knowledge with the community. Upon taking this course you will learn the foundations of go programming, once the environment is setup we will take a look into the building blocks that make Go fast. Learn about variables, functions, parallel execution and different kinds of data structures that make up this language. By the end of the series you will be proficient in the language and have a solid understanding how to use it to develop different applications that make your lives easier and more efficient. There is a git repository as well which holds usefull information about the whole course and allows you to reproduce the examples shown in the videos.

Best Wishes,


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